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Fitzgerald Housing

Why Does Australia Need One Million Homes When the Census Showed That Many Empty

Australia, like many countries, is grappling with a housing crisis. Despite the 2021 census revealing numerous empty homes, the nation still needs an estimated one million more. But why is this the case? To understand this paradox, we need to delve into the details of the census and examine the complex factors that contribute to Australia's housing needs.

The Unusual Circumstances of Census Night

On the 10th of August, 2021, the majority of Australians were under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, this atypical evening is hardly a representative snapshot of Australia's housing situation. Despite this, many homes were unoccupied due to a variety of reasons.

Consolidation of Households

During the lockdown, many Australians consolidated their households, with adult children returning home due to job losses and a lack of employment opportunities. Similarly, friends who lived alone opted to cohabitate to reduce costs and stave off loneliness. As a result, the dwellings they vacated were recorded as empty on the census night, even though they were actually occupied.

Impact of Travel Restrictions

Travel restrictions also meant that many holiday homes and investment properties remained empty, as did Airbnb apartments. Furthermore, over 45 thousand Australians were stranded overseas and were unable to return home by September 2021. It is likely that many of these individuals’ dwellings make up a portion of the empty homes on census night.

Other Factors Affecting Unoccupied Homes

Other factors contributing to the high number of unoccupied homes include hospital stays, business trips, and the typical reasons that take people away from their homes on any given evening.

The True Picture of Australia's Housing Crisis

Dwellings Unavailable for Housing

Of course, it must be acknowledged that some dwellings were genuinely unoccupied, but even so, they were not available to address the housing crisis. For example, some homes were newly built or undergoing renovations, while others were awaiting demolition or were simply uninhabitable.

Comparison with the Previous Census

However, despite these factors, the number of vacant dwellings was lower than in the previous census in 2016, suggesting that the actual number of habitable dwellings is lower than it was five years ago.

Increase in Non-Traditional Dwellings

The census also revealed an increase in the use of non-traditional dwellings, such as caravans, cabins, and houseboats, as homes. This trend underscores the urgent need for Australia to find innovative solutions to its housing crisis.

Addressing the Housing Crisis

Innovative Solutions

To tackle this crisis, Australia must think outside the box and explore new and innovative ways to provide housing for its citizens, such as modular homes, tiny houses, and co-living spaces.

A Nuanced Approach

Instead of focusing on the headline-grabbing figure of one million empty homes, policymakers should adopt a more nuanced approach that considers the unique factors contributing to the country’s housing crisis.

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1. Why does Australia need more homes when the census shows many are empty?

The high number of empty homes recorded in the 2021 census is not indicative of the actual number of habitable homes available in Australia. Many of these homes were vacant due to unusual circumstances surrounding the census night, such as COVID-19 lockdown and travel restrictions.

2. How is Australia addressing its housing crisis?

Australia is exploring innovative housing solutions, such as modular homes, tiny houses, and co-living spaces. It’s also critical for policy makers to adopt a more nuanced approach that goes beyond the number of vacant homes.

3. How is urbanization contributing to Australia’s housing crisis?

Rapid urbanization and population growth, particularly in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, are increasing the demand for housing faster than the supply can keep up.

4. Why is affordability a significant factor in Australia’s housing crisis?

Many Australians are struggling to afford housing, spending over 30% of their income on housing costs. Renters also face housing insecurity due to high rents and short-term leases.

5. How can government policies influence Australia’s housing market?

Government policies can either exacerbate or alleviate the housing crisis. Policies that encourage property investment can lead to an increase in vacant homes, while policies promoting affordable housing can help alleviate the crisis.

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