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Fitzgerald Charity Housing

Social Impacts

Every Australian and International study done into investment in affordable housing has shown a plethora of beneficial social impacts. Affordable housing is good for everyone in the community.

Why Australians Become Homeless

Imagine a country without homelessness, where every child can reach their full potential. Where families feel safe and contribute to the community. Every Australian and International study done into investment in affordable housing has shown a plethora of beneficial social impacts. Affordable housing is good for everyone in the community.

Providing affordable housing:

 Increases workers productivity which benefits the economy. 

Decreases mental and physical illnesses, which reduces congestion in our medical services.

Reduces crime, vandalism and graffiti which frees up police and the court system.

Increases overall happiness which is better for the entire community. 

Plus a range of other benefits.

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All Blogs

A Leg-up, not a Hand-out for a Little Aussie Battler.

A Leg-up, not a Hand-out for a Little Aussie Battler.

Aussies have an international reputation for lending a hand to those who are doing it tough,

Are Affordable Housing Tenants Good Tenants?

Are Affordable Housing Tenants Good Tenants?

One of the myths Fitzgerald Housing’s research team keeps coming across is that tenants in affordable