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Fitzgerald Charity Housing
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Gary had the background experience after working in the real estate industry for 30 years. He had the management background, having managed his own businesses.

ACNC Government Registered Charity

Fitzgeralds Background

Back in early 2020, Gary came to Siem Reap, Cambodia for a holiday and to help out a mate who had a guest house.  Then the pandemic began and Gary, like thousands of other Aussies was trapped overseas for two years. He put that time to good use and has almost completed an MBA through the Australian Institute of Business.

He is in the final stages of completing his MBA based on the issues around affordable housing in Australia.

Starting off

He had the academic background to bring this all together. What he needed was a dedicated and passionate team who understood his aims and were the sort of people who already had demonstrated their willingness to help others in need.


While he lived in Siem Reap he met many of the ex-pat community and plenty of other Aussies stuck there as well. He noticed there was a lot of talent and passion to improve the lives of disadvantaged Cambodians in the people he became friends with. As he met other Australians and talked to them, he found out that several realized that if they went home now, they would be homeless. Some of these people had university education and held professional careers for decades.


With Gary’s expertise in the Real Estate Industry, and life experiences, addressing the lack of affordable housing was the perfect challenge. So he decided to assemble a team and bring together the talent he found.  He realized that having the operations team in Cambodia was the only practical way to do it.  An office in Australia would just be too expensive. He also couldn’t afford to pay his talented team what they would need to survive in Australia.  Having the charity operations team in Cambodia meant more money for investment in affordable housing. 

He brought a team together and launched the Fitzgerald Housing with the aims to bring a range of solutions to the market to address the lack of affordable housing in Australia.

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